I'm back! Well, I've been back for a while, but too busy to have any free time. So how was the trip? In one word: AMAZING! A lot happened, I saw a bunch of new sights, and tried a bunch of new things (I really really miss the food!). I went way out of my comfort zone in so many ways. I met so many new people and grew some really special relationships. But best of all, God worked! People came to know Christ for the first time, we had great conversations about what we believed and things that were deeper than surface level!
God also worked through our team and in each of our lives. We all grew closer to each other and became like family by the end of the week. I trust those people with my life and I love them all to death! We were able to build eachother up throughout the week and be eachother's support. We each went waaay out of our comfort zones in many different ways. And God grew us, stretched us, and changed us through that.
I could go on and on about the trip. because it was something different than I've ever experienced and there were so many cool parts of it. But I'm gonna let you wonder about that for a while and talk more about the here and now.
So what now? Seriously! I'm back now. It was just a trip. Now I have to keep going with real life. Well let me tell you in four points how this trip has changed my life long term.
1. I am changed.
You can't go on a trip like that and not come back changed. It was my first time out of the country, it forced me to do things I wasn't used to, it was a week of service to God and growing closer to him. It changed how I view culture. It changed how I view my future. It changed how I approach ministry. It changed the way I view God. It helped to shape who I am today. And I will be forever thankful for what God has taught me! I like the changed me!
2. Two words:
If you want to grow as a person, I have one rule for you. Go out of your comfort zone. There was a quote that I heard on the movie "We Bought a Zoo" which I've never been able to forget. Benjamin, the main character, said, "You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of just embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it." And in all reality, that is so true. Seriously, think of all those little things you are afraid of doing. All those little things you know God is pushing you to do. What if you took 20 seconds, just 20, to live without fear. What would happen. I know I can speak from experience, that going out of my comfort zone has grown me so much as a person. And not just going out of my comfort zone, but embracing those opportunities. I embrace the opportunities that scare me a little instead of running from them, like I used to. And each and every time, I am so happy I did. And it's not me who got through all those scary moments. It's God. That's why it's so powerful. Cause it means I have to constantly trust God!
3. Discipleship.
This word is slowly becoming more and more what my life is about. I feel like the trip helped me see what that word means. It doesn't mean sharing the gospel and "getting people saved". It doesn't mean those moments when you successfully "minister" to someone. It is a lifestyle. A lifestyle that you have to live daily. It is living your faith, sharing it with the unsaved and pulling them closer to Christ, sharing it with your little siblings in Christ whether they are literally younger than you, or just younger in their faith, and pushing fellow believers closer to Christ every day. Discipleship is not that one event, that one bible study, and that one church service. It is a continual, flowing way to live your life in which Jesus is the focus in your life and in each of your relationships.
4. My story vs. His story
I learned that while it's true that God is giving me a story, that's not what my life is. My life is a tiny part in a much bigger story: His story. He is working through that homeless man in the city, that rich widow in the country, that farmer on the other side of the world, and that little girl next door. He gives me a story so that He can use it to impact other people's stories. It was never about me. It's about Him. And I am so privileged that He is using me in that grand masterpiece He is painting.
Those four things can be true in your life too! Think about them. Let Him change you so that He can use you to change others!
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